
What are the health benefits of walking every day?

Due to the changing lifestyles, people suffer from several health issues including heart disease, joint pain, depression, stress, and obesity. Did you know that there is one simple solution to overcome these entire health problems? Yes, doctors suggest that 30 minutes of brisk walk every day helps in reducing chronic diseases. Walking is one of …

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What is the lipid profile and importance of the lipid profile test?

The Lipid profile test is used to measure the total cholesterol levels in your body. The test determines the HDL (bad cholesterol), LDL (Good Cholesterol) and triglycerides present in your blood. Before getting into the importance of the Lipid profile test and why it is essential, let’s have a brief understanding of the Cholesterol and …

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Kidney Function Test

The article aims at providing information on the major functions of the kidney(kft test) show to maintain a healthy kidney, symptoms that may indicate kidney disease and the various test (also known as kidney function tests, kft test) that can help early detection of kidney disease. With today’s lifestyle, the health problem is at an …

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